About EVS


EVS Headquarters contacts


The European Volleyball tournament for Statisticians - EVS - was originated, in 1990, in Voorburg, Netherlands, by some statisticians who were enthusiastic about volleyball.

The idea was simple. “All statisticians from all over Europe meet for a comparative volleyball competition”. Besides fun in the game and comparisons of the profession and working world one essential element of this tournament should be an understanding and tolerance for the different cultures.

The organizers of the first tournament established the headquarters of the EVS community in Voorborg (since 2003 in Heerlen). The unceasing effort and engagement of the headquarters led to a steady growing EVS community in the course of the years. We’d like to mention here that economically weaker countries could be partly supported to enable them to take part in the tournaments. The headquarters remains the central point of the EVS community. It is the point of contact for questions concerning the organization and provides help for the performance of EVS tournaments.

As this event has become very popular the rule that only statisticians can take part in this tournament was relaxed within the last years. Meanwhile other participants from different part of the public administration are always welcome. 

The EVS Hymn

©1999 Hugo Goosens and Bob Akkersdijk

There was once a great idea

Regarding volleyball

It will bring our peoples near

a joyful time for all

Volleyball… all over Europe then

For women and for men

It is here to stay

Give me EVS it's only the best

Every day I think of you

Your friends will tell you too

Give me EVS

It's only the best

If you are feeling our chime

You'll always find the time

To remember

Now we have our tournament

A place called EVS

Every year a big event

A weekend happiness

Just one year… and we'll go travelling

And we meet again

It is here to stay

Give me EVS it's only the best

Every day i think of you

Your friends will tell you too

Give me EVS

It's only the best

If you are feeling our chime

You'll always find the time

To remember

And here you can listen the original track

EVS hymn.mp3
EVS hymn Blue's version.mkv

The EVS hymn revisited in a Blue's version 😄